Order Fulfillment for Baby Products
IronLinx’s eCommerce order fulfillment operation has substantial experience in the baby product industry. From wholesale routing guide compliance to branded packaging materials, custom pack-outs, and returns management, IronLinx has both the knowledge and the resources necessary to streamline the fulfillment process for a wide array of baby products including bottles, monitors, toys, formula, food, toiletries, diapers, clothing, and footwear.

Order Fulfillment for Baby Products
At nearly ten billion dollars in sales, the global market for baby and children’s products is substantial—and the market expects above-average rates of growth in the coming decade. From a fulfillment perspective, the handling requirements of baby products range from routine to complex—the range depending largely on product type and branding. Notable complexities include special packaging and handling requirements for fragile and/or luxury items; custom pack-outs complete with branded packaging materials, marketing inserts, and return labels; routing guide compliance for large retailers like Barney’s, Macy’s, Saks Fifth Avenue, and Target; and returns management.

Special Packaging and Handling Needs
Many products in the baby space come with special packaging and handling needs. For instance, delicate items in the skincare and haircare categories are often susceptible to damage from extreme temperatures, fluctuations in temperature, humidity, and/or rough handling during transit. Likewise, many gift items—from toys to picture frames and piggy banks—are fragile and demand special handling to ensure that they reach their destinations intact. At IronLinx, we embrace the nuances of the baby and the children’s product space and have both the experience and the capabilities to successfully serve even the most complex packaging and handling needs.

Custom Pack-Outs – Branded Packaging Materials, Marketing Inserts, and Return Labels
Gift baskets, subscription boxes, and luxury brands necessitate custom pack-out procedures. Depending on the circumstances, a pack-out might easily include a beautifully printed corrugated carton and polybag (the latter being utilized to protect the carton in transit); folded tissue paper, custom stickers (to secure the tissue), and printed marketing materials (such as guides, postcards, and gift certificates, to name just a few); and precise instructions for the placement of not only the products, but also promotional materials, protective materials, and return labels. IronLinx has more than fifteen years of experience handling even the most nuanced of pack-outs and is also able to design, source, and procure the packaging and marketing materials utilized at prices far below market through a sister company.

Wholesale Routing Guide Compliance
B2C baby product order fulfillment can be a challenge; however, shipments destined for large retailers like Neiman Marcus, Nordstrom, Saks Fifth Avenue, Barneys, Target, and Macy’s, just to name a few, present an entirely different set of complexities. These retailers – and many others like them – have stringent routing guide requirements which must be followed without fail. Seemingly minuscule errors such as the use of prohibited void fill materials (packing peanuts, for instance, are generally unwelcome) or the use of incorrectly formatted barcodes (Code 128 as opposed to UPC) can and do lead to not only prohibitively expensive chargebacks, but outright rejections of shipments. IronLinx has been servicing large retailers for years and is well-versed in the handling of their unique requirements.

Returns Management
As is the case in most categories dominated by clothing, accessories, and gifts, returns management is an integral component of the order fulfillment process in the baby product industry. In fact, the inadequate handling of returns and/or exchanges is a frequently-cited driver of customer service problems, poor reviews, and lost opportunities for repeat business and/or referrals. For more than a decade and a half, IronLinx has worked closely with its clients to custom-tailor returns management processes to precisely meet their unique needs.
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